C50 Nebulizer for Desolvators with ESI SC-2 Autosampler 800-1-005-05-00
- Microconcentric PFA nebulizer with constant diameter uptake line/capillary
- High sensitivity, high efficiency
- Robust - can be backflushed; no cleaning tools needed
- 6 mm OD body with 4 mm gas port
- Free aspirates at 50 µL/min +/-10 µL/min
- Assembled and tested at 110oC specifically for use with desolvators (CETAC Aridus, ESI Apex or Nu Instruments DSN-100)
- Note: Not for use with normal sample introduction system
- Integrated 100 cm uptake line with encapsulated carbon probe
- Probe is 2.9 mm OD, 19.7 cm long, including encapsulation
- Fits ESI SC-2 (and SC-4, SC-8, SC-14, but confirm uptake line is long enough for larger format autosamplers)